Source code for easypubsub.publisher

import pickle
from typing import Any, Optional

import zmq

from easypubsub.logging import getLogger

[docs]class Publisher: """The EasyPubSub Publisher provides an interface to publish messages to a topic. Attributes: name (str): The name of the publisher. This will be used as a prefix to all topics used by this publisher. proxy_publishers_address (str): The address that the publisher will use to connect to the :obj:`~easypubsub.proxy.Proxy`. default_topic (str): The default topic to use when publishing messages. By default, it uses "" (empty string), which means that the messages will be published using :attr:`name` as the topic . Example: >>> from easypubsub.publisher import Publisher >>> publisher = Publisher("my_publisher", "tcp://") >>> publisher.publish("Hello world!") This message will be published to the topic "my_publisher" >>> publisher.publish("Hello again, world.", "my_topic") This message will be published to the topic "my_publisher.my_topic" """ def __init__( self, name: str, proxy_publishers_address: str, default_topic: str = "" ) -> None: self.publishers_address = proxy_publishers_address self.default_topic = default_topic = name self._logger = getLogger(f"EasyPubSub.Publisher({name})") self._connect() def _connect(self) -> None: """Connect to the proxy.""" self.ctx = zmq.Context.instance() self.socket = self.ctx.socket(zmq.PUB)"Connecting to {self.publishers_address}.") self.socket.connect(self.publishers_address)
[docs] def publish(self, message: Any, topic: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Publish a message to a topic. Args: message (Any): The message to publish. This can be any type of data that can be pickled. topic (Optional[str]): The topic to publish the message to. If not specified, the :attr:`default_topic` will be used. """ if topic is None: topic = self.default_topic if topic.endswith("."): self._logger.warning( f'Topic "{topic}" ends with a dot, I will remove the final dot before publishing.' ) topic = f"{}.{topic}".strip(".") try: pickled_message = pickle.dumps(message) self.socket.send_multipart([topic.encode("utf-8"), pickled_message]) except Exception: self._logger.exception("Could not publish message. See traceback.") raise